Monday, March 2, 2015

Fintonic 2.1.3 for Adnroid

Free download Fintonic and discover a new way of seeing and understanding the state of your finances.

Fintonic is the only free app for Android that helps you to understand, manage and simplify your money very easily.
With Fintonic you can meet all your expenses and income to detail from the palm of your hand and get personalized tips to improve fuel. Make a smart use of money without sacrificing the whims that bring flavor to life and make you happy!


◉ Access to information of all your banks and cards from a single app.

◉ At a glance you know what money is going and how fast. Fintonic categorize your expenses: mortgage, rent, mobile, kids, super shopping, gasoline, electricity ... Automatically effortless!

◉ useful Alerts: fees, overdraft, payroll, duplicate, income, maturing deposits, insurance movements ... not worry! Fintonic alerts you when something important happens with your accounts.

◉ System predictive of future expenses before they occur, making it easier arranged in advance. You can also set spending limits by category generándote a budget.

◉ Maximum simplicity in the analysis of income and expenses. Sorted according to your personal settings.

◉ Fintonic draw conclusions for you, being proactive anticipating your needs. Relax for you and your money.

◉ Bot able to find any transaction of your accounts and cards concept and category.

◉ With Fintonic you can better plan your finances and have more control over your expenses, What will save you.

◉ Full control of your finances. Fintonic organizes everything for you. Forget squaring tickets and cumbersome excels.

App ◉ 100% free.
In Fintonic add the following banks:

Abanca active bank, Ahorro Corporación, American Express, Caixa Banco General, Banco Mare Nostrum (BMN), Bnaco Pastor, Spanish Banco Popular, Banco Popular -E, Banco Sabadell / Solbank, Banco Santander, Bancopopular-e, Baneesto / ibanesto, Bankia, BankiaLink, Bankinter, Barclays, BBK, BBVA, Bestinver, Caixa Penedes, Caja Cantabria, Safety Engineers (Caixa Enginyers), Caja Duero, Caja Spain, Caja Extremadura, Caja Granada, Caja Murcia, Caja Vital (Vitalkutxa), Cajamar Cajastur. Caixa Catalunya, CCM, Citibank, COINC, Cortal Consors, Deutsche Bank, El Corte Ingles, EVO, Group Ruralvia, Ibercaja, Iberia Cards, Ing Direct, Inversis, Kutxa, Kutxabank, La Caixa, labor Kutxa, Caja Mutuactivos Office Directly OpenBnak, Renta 4, Sa Nostra, Self Bank, Triodos Bank, Unicaja, Uno-e, Visa Cepsa.

Download Here


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