★KK Launcher is the TOP 1 Lollipop & KitKat Style launcher, TOP 3 launcher;
Most Fast, Cool, Powerful, and AD Free
★Who will love it?
1. People who want latest Android experience, Clean, Cool and Modern design
2. People who want a Smoother, Richer, more Powerful and Playful experience from their phone
★ Why it rocks? What make KK Launcher outstanding comparing to other launcher?
1. KK Launcher have 20+ unique,COOL and useful features: such as Sidebar, Super folder, Private folder, App Lock, Double tap to turn off screen
2. Compare to Nova Launcher(or Apex Launcher,Solo Launcher), KK launcher base on Lollipop Android 5.0, has the latest Android UI and UE; while Nova Launcher base on ICS
3. Compare to Google Now Launcher, KK launcher has all its features, adding MANY useful features
★ Users review:
"Makes my phone look advanced, love it ! " -- Israel Garza
"Best on the market, blows Nova launcher out of the water!!" -- James
“The best I have used, Has maximum features compared to other launchers.” -- Harsh
"An actively developed launcher featuring lots of customization; the performance is simply amazing, scrolling is very smooth." --
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